[ruby-ffi] Re: using :buffer_out with strings in ruby vs jruby
Aman Gupta
9/14/09 7:14 PM

Cool, thanks for the clarification.

In my case I need to pass some data to a C library, but give up
control of the associated memory, since the C lib will eventually call
free() on it. Seems like the best way to do this is to allocate the
memory using g_memdup(:buffer_in), and use that pointer in the call to
the C lib that needs it.


On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Wayne Meissner <> wrote:
> They're actually handled in the same way.
> Both Buffer and string in JRuby are backed by a java byte[] array, and
> to pass that to a native function, a temporary memory area is
> allocated, the contents are copied in to the native memory, then the
> temporary native memory is passed to the function.  After the function
> call, the native memory is copied back to the byte[] array (if
> requested), and the native memory is freed before returning back to
> java/ruby.
> Thats pretty much the difference between Buffer and MemoryPointer.
> With MemoryPointer, you are allocating the native memory immediately
> when you create the MemoryPointer, and it gets freed when
> MemoryPointer gets garbage collected.  You get complete control over
> the memory life cycle, so you can pass a MemoryPointer in to a
> function that will keep a reference to the address.
> With Buffer, the native memory is considered to be transient - this
> allows the implementation (like JRuby) to optimize when/how native
> memory is actually allocated/released for it, which can make a huge
> difference (10x or more) when used as e.g. passing an int
> by-reference.
> 2009/9/15 Aman Gupta <>:
>> Thanks, changing it to :buffer_in works as expected.
>> When I create an explicit Buffer and pass it in using :pointer, the
>> memory allocated for that buffer is freed when the ruby object is
>> garbage collected. What happens when I pass in a string as :buffer_in
>> instead? The contents of the string are copied into a temporary
>> buffer, but when is the buffer freed? or does it live on the stack?
>>  Aman
>> On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 7:25 AM, Wayne Meissner <> wrote:
>>> If that code is doing what I think it is doing, you have the direction wrong.
>>> :buffer_out == copy out from native memory to ruby memory
>>> :buffer_in == copy in to native memory from ruby memory
>>> Think of them like IN and OUT parameter specifications.  IN means the
>>> data is passed IN to the function, OUT means the function can alter
>>> the value of the parameter.  INOUT means both.
>>> As to why the tests fail if you pass the string first, its because the
>>> string gets overwritten with garbage from native memory due to the OUT
>>> param spec.
>>> The tests work with :pointer, because it is basically the same as
>>> :buffer_inout when it comes to string and Buffer arguments - the data
>>> is first copied IN to native memory from ruby, then after the call,
>>> the native data is copied OUT from native memory to ruby,  overwriting
>>> the data with the same thing as was already there.
>>> 2009/9/14 Aman Gupta <>:
>>>> I'm seeing different behavior on ruby vs jruby when passing in a
>>>> string as a :buffer_out argument:
>>>> require 'rubygems'
>>>> require 'ffi'
>>>> module GLib
>>>>  extend FFI::Library
>>>>  ffi_lib 'libglib-2.0'
>>>>  attach_function :g_memdup_buf, :g_memdup,
>>>> [ :buffer_out, :uint ], :pointer
>>>>  attach_function :g_memdup_ptr, :g_memdup,
>>>> [ :pointer, :uint ], :pointer
>>>>  def self.test_memdup(arg_type, func_type)
>>>>    ostr = "a\0b\0c"
>>>>    if arg_type == :string
>>>>      arg = ostr.dup
>>>>    elsif arg_type == :buffer
>>>>      arg =
>>>>      arg.put_bytes(0, ostr)
>>>>    end
>>>>    if func_type == :buffer_out
>>>>      ret = GLib.g_memdup_buf(arg, arg.size)
>>>>    elsif func_type == :pointer
>>>>      ret = GLib.g_memdup_ptr(arg, arg.size)
>>>>    end
>>>>    rstr = ret.get_bytes(0, ostr.size)
>>>>    p [arg_type, func_type, ostr, rstr, ostr == rstr]
>>>>  end
>>>> end
>>>> GLib.test_memdup(:buffer, :buffer_out)
>>>> GLib.test_memdup(:buffer, :pointer)
>>>> GLib.test_memdup(:string, :buffer_out)
>>>> GLib.test_memdup(:string, :pointer)
>>>> $ ruby glib_memduptest.rb
>>>> [:buffer, :buffer_out, "a\000b\000c", "a\000b\000c", true]
>>>> [:buffer, :pointer, "a\000b\000c", "a\000b\000c", true]
>>>> [:string, :buffer_out, "a\000b\000c", "a\000b\000c", true]
>>>> [:string, :pointer, "a\000b\000c", "a\000b\000c", true]
>>>> $ jruby glib_memduptest.rb
>>>> [:buffer, :buffer_out, "a\000b\000c", "\300\370\177\260A", false]
>>>> [:buffer, :pointer, "a\000b\000c", "a\000b\000c", true]
>>>> [:string, :buffer_out, "\001\000\000\000\270", "\001\000\000\000\270",
>>>> true]
>>>> [:string, :pointer, "\001\000\000\000\270", "\001\000\000\000\270",
>>>> true]
>>>> I'm not really sure what's happening in the jruby case. If I use an
>>>> explicit FFI::Buffer with :pointer, it seems to work.
>>>> What's really strange though, is that if you reverse the order in
>>>> which the tests happen (so the string versions execute first), they
>>>> all fail:
>>>> GLib.test_memdup(:string, :buffer_out)
>>>> GLib.test_memdup(:string, :pointer)
>>>> GLib.test_memdup(:buffer, :buffer_out)
>>>> GLib.test_memdup(:buffer, :pointer)
>>>> $ jruby glib_memduptest.rb
>>>> [:string, :buffer_out, "\300\370\177\260A", "\300\370\177\260A", true]
>>>> [:string, :pointer, "\300\370\177\260A", "\300\370\177\260A", true]
>>>> [:buffer, :buffer_out, "\300\370\177\260A", "0\f\200\001@", false]
>>>> [:buffer, :pointer, "\300\370\177\260A", "\300\370\177\260A", true]