Re: [ruby-ffi] Re: FFI 0.5.4 released
Wayne Meissner
11/27/09 5:09 PM

2009/11/28 Luis Lavena <>:
> The only place that depends on Rake is lib/ffi/tools/generator_task.rb
> And that is not automatically loaded, but instead is inside lib as a helper.
> Unless I'm wrong, and unless you explicitly use it, then rake
> dependency is unneeded.

Now I remember.  At install time on unix, rake is needed to
automagically generate aliases for types (e.g. :size_t => :ulong), so
thats most likely why the dependency was needed.

I'm not sure *what* happens on win32 with devkit installed - it would
be interesting to see if there is a 'types.conf' under the ffi lib
directory after install.