Re: [ruby-ffi] c++ examples
Hongli Lai
12/1/09 5:21 PM

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Luis Lavena <> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 7:38 PM, rogerdpack <> wrote:
>> Are there any c++ examples anywhere?
> libffi aims to be C interface.
> I'm unaware of libffi being compatible with C++, so I would recommend
> something like Rice to provide an interface on top of it.
>> My end goal is to be able to use Boost's hashes/regexes.
> Been looking into building boost sockets and other threading
> functionalities, but definitely you need a PhD to look into Boost
> itself, which I'm not capable of digest.

Unlike C, C++ does not have a stable ABI, so supporting C++ in FFI
would be a huge undertaking (i.e. supporting the bazzilion of
different ABIs in existance so far). I think your best bet right now
is to write C wrappers around the Boost stuff and then use FFI to talk
to the C wrappers.

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