I've started working on a Ruby FFI interface to the Vernier GoIO sensor interface products.
http://www.vernier.com/downloads/gosdk.html *the SDK is public domain
I've got a very basic question FFI question.
I have a C++ function that expects a pointer to a string buffer and a int32 specifying the size of the buffer.
The result of calling the function is a name of a connected device in the string buffer.
How should the call be setup and then processed on return to generate a Ruby string.
Here's the state of the code so far:
This is the specific function I have the question about:
GOIO_DLL_INTERFACE_DECL gtype_int32 GoIO_GetNthAvailableDeviceName(
char *pBuf, // [out] ptr to buffer to store device name string.
gtype_int32 bufSize, // [in] number of bytes in buffer pointed to by pBuf.
// Strlen(pBuf) < bufSize, because the string is NULL terminated.
gtype_int32 vendorId, // [in] USB vendor id
gtype_int32 productId, //[in] USB product id
gtype_int32 N); //[in] index into list of known devices, 0 => first device in list.
Also, is there any rdoc for FFI?