[ruby-ffi] Standardizing the FFI specs
Ernest Prabhakar
12/14/09 4:17 PM

Hi all,

This is Dr. Ernie, one of the MacRuby committers. We would like to add the FFI specs <> to our existing RubySpec tests.  

When I asked on the rubyspec list about what could be done to "mainstream" FFI, I was told:

On Dec 4, 2009, at 2:51 PM, Brian Ford wrote:
> The specs need quite a bit of cleanup to conform to the rubyspec style guide.

> Also, the API is still in flux a bit. If you'd like to
> contribute to the specs or FFI API,  please coordinate with Evan
> Phoenix (evan in #rubinius on as he is the original API
> author and is trying to get the API standardized across
> implementations.
Evan, are you here? What process would you suggest? 

Should I file a bug about the specs (on Kenai)?  Or should I wait until the API stabilizes a bit more?

-- Ernie P.