Subject: Re: [ruby-ffi] Functions returning structures |
From: Wayne Meissner |
Date: 12/14/09 3:33 PM |
To: |
You need to specify the return type as ALLEGRO_COLOR.by_value (same for any struct-by-value parameters). 2009/12/15 galdor <>:
Hi, Let's define a C function which returns a plain structure: typedef struct { int r, g, b, a; } ALLEGRO_COLOR; ALLEGRO_COLOR al_map_rgb(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b); Now we bind it: class ALLEGRO_COLOR < FFI::Struct layout :r, :float, :g, :float, :b, :float, :a, :float end attach_function :al_map_rgb, [:uchar, :uchar, :uchar], ALLEGRO_COLOR But the following ruby code doesn't work: bgcolor = al_map_rgb(20, 20, 20) fgcolor = al_map_rgb(20, 40, 80) al_clear_to_color(bgcolor) The screen is cleared with rgb(20, 40, 80), instead of rgb(20, 20, 20). I don't know how stack allocation is performed, I must be doing something wrong. How should I work with stack-allocated structures ? Regards, Nicolas Martyanoff