Re: [ruby-ffi] success using ffi to read Vernier sensor data from ruby and jruby
Stephen Bannasch
12/14/09 3:55 PM

>Excerpts from Stephen Bannasch's message of lun dic 14 16:22:06 +0100 2009:
>> I'm turning the initial implementation into a gem -- and when I get the basic
>> functionality working I'll be happy to post and add to the wiki.
>Very cool! Just for the sake of curiosity, have you used ffi-swig-generator
>to generate a first raw wrap?

I used ffi-swig-generatorn and that's where I found the problems where it generated :string but I needed :pointer

The code in my gist uses the minimum attached functions to implement the same DeviceCheck program in the Vernier SDK. I'm usingthe generated template to copy (and sometimes correct) from.

Next I take a look at using some of the generated struct templates and see if they work.