Re: [ruby-ffi] Re: lists only one lib?
Vladimir Sizikov
12/21/09 11:11 AM

Hi Luis,

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Luis Lavena <> wrote:
> Wayne already answered to you that ffi_lib takes an array, multiple
> invocations to append are not possible.
From the perspective of a new FFI API user, these are all valid
questions with no immediate/clear answer:
- What would happen on subsequent ffi_lib call? Will it append, or
will it overwrite?
- Is that even legal? If legal, is that a good practice?

I know I had those questions when I was starting using FFI. :) And I
was bugging Wayne with such questions as well... :)

Looking at the ffi_lib code now, it is clear that subsequent ffi_lib
calls are not good. Well, maybe we should make that totally explicit,
and just don't allow to call ffi_lib the second time?
