Re: [ruby-ffi] Proper memory management
Wayne Meissner
5/5/10 9:19 PM

Use FFI::AutoPointer - its there for exactly this reason (having one
implementation of the whole "clean up native memory when ruby object
instance is finalized" is better than having many, slightly broken

FFI::AutoPointer also has the advantage on JRuby of _not_ using
ObjectSpace, so a) it will actually work in jruby-1.5.0 and later
where objectspace is not on by default, and b) is less overhead, since
its implemented via standard java PhantomReferences.

Use it something like this:

class VectorPointer < FFI::AutoPointer

  def self.release(ptr)
   # ptr is the original pointer you passed in to create VectorPointer

Then use it like thus:
 ptr =

It is a FFI::Pointer subclass, so you can pass it wherever a :pointer
parameter is needed, or use it in a Struct :pointer field, etc.

There is also AutoPointer#free() to free the memory earlier than the
GC cleanup (which is a good idea when you can use it), #autorelease=()
to toggle on/off the auto cleanup.

On 6 May 2010 08:56, v01d <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm in the process of developing a Ruby binding to the GSL numerical
> library using FFI. Recently I stumbled upon a problematic issue
> regarding memory management and finalizers.
> Since the GSL library allows creation and destruction of instances
> like this:
> gsl_vector* ptr = gsl_alloc_vector(size_t n);
> ...
> gsl_free_vector(ptr);
> Then, in Ruby I do something like this:
> class Vector
>  def initialize(n)
>    @ptr = GSLng.backend.gsl_alloc_vector(n)
>    Vector.define_finalizer(self, @ptr)
>  end
>  def Vector.define_finalizer(self, ptr)
>    ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, lambda {|id|
> GSLng.backend.gsl_free_vector(ptr)})
>  end
> end
> The problem is that if later I instatiante a Vector inside a loop,
> like:
> 10000.times do
> end
> This obviously eats a lot of memory until GC runs. Now, if I do:
> 10000.times do
>  GC.start
> end
> the memory that the Vector instances themselves occupy is freed but
> the finalizer is not called (it is later called at program end),
> therefore all of the memory allocated through gsl_alloc_vector() is
> sitting there until program ends.
> I know that Ruby doesn't guarantee that finalizers are called in any
> particular moment (even after GC.start, which I thought would
> suffice). So what I'm asking probably is not really related to FFI
> itself, but I wanted to ask here since I imagined this would be a
> common pattern among FFI users. The question is then: is there a
> better way to manage this type of memory? I obviously cant use the
> transaction-like pattern (like since for a Vector that
> wouldn't make sense. It would be ideal to make the gsl_vector_free
> call when the actual Vector class is free'd. Maybe I need to go to a
> lower level for this and use the C api to register this call in the
> "free" function for this class, but that would be overkill since I
> wanted to avoid using C altogether.
> Thank you!