Re: [ruby-ffi] Re: require error: no such file to load -- ffi
Chuck Remes
2/27/11 1:05 AM

On Feb 26, 2011, at 2:18 PM, Allan Bowhill wrote:

> Did a complete reinstall of MRI, after imploding .rvm - a completely clean slate.
> gem version displays 1.5.2
> ruby version is 1.9.2-p180
> Still getting the same errors on FreeBSD 8.1 running code in the example directory.
> Is there any os-platform-specific code in ff-rzmq? I noticed some array names "OSX", "Linux" and "Windows" in the source for wrapper.rb. A couple of these have hard-coded paths to library locations. Could this be causing a problem, or is it unrelated?
> It's probably just a Ruby installation problem under RVM, but I can't replicate a similar error with any other gems. 
I'm the author the ffi-rzmq gem. What is the error message you receive when trying to load the gem?

I don't have freebsd loaded up anywhere, but I could probably get a vmware image going to try and duplicate what you are doing. Give me some details (feel free to email me privately) and I'll see what I can do.
