Subject: Re: [ruby-ffi] need help loading a library |
From: Chuck Remes |
Date: 5/4/11 10:16 AM |
To: |
On May 2, 2011, at 3:46 PM, Chuck Remes wrote:
Luis, I am trying this again right now. I'll let you know how it goes. Thank you for your research!
Luis, I got this to work. I had to ask in the 0mq irc for some help because I couldn't find libzmq.dll (it's hidden in zeromq/src/.libs after make completes). I copied those other dll's over to my working directory and I now have the example programs working for ffi-rzmq. Thank you for your work on this. I am grateful. Any suggestions on where to stuff those DLL's long term so they are on the PATH? (Or is it %%path%% ?) cr