Subject: Re: [ruby-ffi] need help loading a library |
From: Luis Lavena |
Date: 5/4/11 8:00 PM |
To: |
On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 9:30 PM, Dominic Sisneros <> wrote:
Can someone write up the steps needed to get 0mq working on windows?
Steps are easy: 1) You need RubyInstaller and it's DevKit, instructions for that are in RubyInstaller website: 2) Start a command prompt and invoke devkitvars.bat found inside the folder you installed DevKit, this will give you access to MinGW tools. 3) Download 0mq source somewhere and extract (eg C:\src\zeromq) 4) compile it using the following commands: C:\> cd C:\src\zeromq C:\> sh configure --prefix=C:/zeromq C:\> make C:\> make install Note the use of forwardslash in the second command. The above commands will take a long time to complete, but once its done, you will find inside C:\zeromq folder the binaries (bin, lib, include). 5) Copy the result binaries Now you can copy the DLL from inside bin into a directory in your PATH and use it. 6) Don't forget the additional dependencies Don't forge to copy libstdc++-6.dll and libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll from DevKit MinGW into the same folder you copied libzmq.dll. To know where these DLLs are, you can use where, eg: C:\> where libstdc++-6.dll C:\Users\Luis\Tools\DevKit\4.5.1\mingw\bin\libstdc++-6.dll-- Luis Lavena AREA 17 - Perfection in design is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but rather when there is nothing more to take away. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry